Thank you for joining us. Before you continue you must read and agree to these terms and conditions.

By proceeding on after you have read this you agree to everything stated below:

You are not an employee of Jagex LTD, runescape, or adlex solicitors, and are not a family member or acquaintance of the aforementioned.

All of the information on this site is solely for learning purposes, as the main purpose of this site is to instruct people in the art of programming. All programs provided for download from this site are entirely coded by the members of this and MoparScape communities and are not the intellectual property of any business or organization.
In order to use the forum you must agree to all of these rules as well:

Primary Rules
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Use common sense.
The staff reserves the right to interpret these primary rules any way we see fit, for example while posting child porn is not specified in these conditions, it is still against the rules, it should be common sense that it is not allowed.
We are not anti-leech. If you respect our community and our ideas, feel free to ask questions and they will be kindly answered if you follow other rules. Answer to questions that others ask if you know the answer or remain silent!

We don't talk about things we don't know. This is an informative, not a misinformative community.

We respect each other and other communities. We don't flame each other or other communities. We don't fight/flame on these forums!

We don't care about post count alone. If someone has high post count and most of it is spam, we have no respect for them and their usless topics. If someone has high post count with informative posts, we love them. These forums are to learn, game and a place to talk, not for spamming, high "post count" or other un-acceptable purposes.

We never ask for "Global Moderator/Admin" positions.
Posts / Topics
We don't make spelling mistakes on purpose. We use "you" not "u", we use "why" not "y" etc.

If you wish to talk about off-topic stuff, go to the general forum.

DO NOT post or upload any copyrighted materials, ie deobs, clients or any other sort.

Buying / Selling
Buying and selling of in-game items are allowed in their forum, only items in-game are aloud! You may not sell servers/clients or any other non-game related stuff.

We only have one Forum account per in-game account. Your forum account must be the same username and password as your server. If you get banned, email Alexander, or get a friend to contact Alexander.

Linking / Advertisement
We DO NOT advertise other sites or communities.
Any inappropriate sites, pictures or other related stuff will not be tolderated!

We never advertise via the PM system whether the site is approved or not.

We never have misleading links in our signatures or posts. If a link says, we expect it to take us to

These two IP's are the same server, but with completly different accounts and hosted by two different people. So if people decide they don't like something in one, or it is down; they can go to the other IP.

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